Embark on a whimsical adventure with Oddities, the lightweight card game where players take on the role of daring adventurers, each aiming to create the oddest collection of peculiar woodland creatures!
The goal is simple: Be the first to finish your collection!
But the path there is anything but! Each turn, you’ll choose between different actions and strategies to get ahead. Choose between collecting points by adding Oddities to your collection, sabotaging your opponents’ plans by gifting them mischievous Misfits, or aiming to turn the tides of victory in a with the effects of powerful Quirks . To top it off, changing seasons may limit what Oddities you can collect each turn, forcing you to adjust your strategy and keep an eye on shifting opportunities.
In Oddities, it’s all about outsmarting your opponents while navigating the chaos - all in the name of odd!